Saturday, January 23, 2010


This time of year is always such a drag here in the midwest. Christmas is long gone, the days are just barely starting to last a bit longer, it's no longer dark before I get home from work. But it's still cold, wet and you never know if we're going to get hit with snow and ice.

It's a beautiful day out there, so I really should get outside and try and enjoy some of it before it's gone. But, being a grown up means pesky responsibilities like laundry and cleaning need to be done. There are days I wish I could be 9 years old all over again.

I was 9 when the last blizzard hit in 77-78 and it was a blast! School was called off, I got to play in the snow and I don't really remember ever getting too cold. I do remember mom dressing me in several layers of clothes in order to go outside. When you're nine, being waist deep in snow is a fun thing. It's not so fun as a grown up.

Now, why am I going on about blizzards and snow when it's so nice outside? I'm not sure, but I suspect it's because I know this nice day won't be coming back anytime soon. There will be several more months of winter according to the calendar. But as everyone in Cincinnati knows, the calendar means nothing. We've had white Easter's, white Halloween's, but a white Christmas? Rarely.

So, in order to chase away the winter blah's - I'm going to get off my duff, grab the younin' and venture out of doors. Maybe all I'll do is get the car washed, maybe we'll just drive around (not likely though). But I am going outside today!

Later folks.....

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