Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why is it so Hard?

Why is it so hard to follow the Golden Rule? Why is it easier for us (all us humans) to want to be treated a certain way, but we don't actually do it?

I had a project to do at work today which involved pulling old shipping information. It was dirty frustrating work, because my predecessor didn't think it was a high priority to label the boxes with the shipment file range numbers. The boxes were marked, shipment files and they had a box number on them and nothing else.

As I tugged and pulled to get the boxes open I really wanted to give this person a piece of my mind! How dare she not consider that someone would have to pull information from those boxes in the future? Why did she cram so many in one box? I could barely open it!

Then I had to admit, that while yes, it does make good sense to properly label the box, I was really mad because I was inconvenienced. I don't like to be inconveninced, no one does. But when I get caught in the trap of thinking that all things and people should march to the beat of my drum, that's a dangerous place to be.

It is so easy to ask why someone doesn't do it my way (the right way in our minds?). It's a lot harder to step outside yourself, and see things from another person's point of view. But how much more considerate would we all be to each other if we all tried our very best to do that as often as we could?

Maybe it's possible.....but part of me still wants to sound off....oh wait, didn't I just do that? Rant over!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


This time of year is always such a drag here in the midwest. Christmas is long gone, the days are just barely starting to last a bit longer, it's no longer dark before I get home from work. But it's still cold, wet and you never know if we're going to get hit with snow and ice.

It's a beautiful day out there, so I really should get outside and try and enjoy some of it before it's gone. But, being a grown up means pesky responsibilities like laundry and cleaning need to be done. There are days I wish I could be 9 years old all over again.

I was 9 when the last blizzard hit in 77-78 and it was a blast! School was called off, I got to play in the snow and I don't really remember ever getting too cold. I do remember mom dressing me in several layers of clothes in order to go outside. When you're nine, being waist deep in snow is a fun thing. It's not so fun as a grown up.

Now, why am I going on about blizzards and snow when it's so nice outside? I'm not sure, but I suspect it's because I know this nice day won't be coming back anytime soon. There will be several more months of winter according to the calendar. But as everyone in Cincinnati knows, the calendar means nothing. We've had white Easter's, white Halloween's, but a white Christmas? Rarely.

So, in order to chase away the winter blah's - I'm going to get off my duff, grab the younin' and venture out of doors. Maybe all I'll do is get the car washed, maybe we'll just drive around (not likely though). But I am going outside today!

Later folks.....

Friday, January 15, 2010


Thank goodness it's Friday! For whatever reason, this week has been a struggle and I'm glad it's over. I laughed the first time I ever heard the phrase, Friday night sleep, but I understand it now. There are few things more comforting than crawling into bed with the knowledge that I don't have to get up early the next morning. A morning person I am not, at least until I've had one solid hit of caffine.

With all this said, I must stop for a moment and reflect how truly blessed I am. When I think of the massive destruction in Haiti, my mind just can't take it in. I would urge everyone to donate whatever you can to aid this country. Even if you can't afford to send a lot of money, you can offer up prayers, go through your cabinets pull out some canned goods, hit the dollar store and buy some essentials. Trust me, when you have nothing, you're grateful for whatever comes your way. In this situation, your little bit can go a long long way.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well, this is my first ever blog post. I hope to be able to post thoughts, ideas, stuff that interest me, and hopefully will interest you too.

About my title, this is an expression that my mother used to say to express mild disgust or frustration. It's a nice little phrase that I like, a good alternative to throwing out a bunch of curse words.

Another favorite is I'll be dipped. My father got me hooked on that one. Many is the time I've heard him say, well I'll be dipped in glue! Gotta love odd phrases that crop up in certain parts of the country.