Sunday, April 7, 2013

Stuff I'd like to say

I wish I could tell you what an insensitive person you are, but we just downward spiral. I wish I could tell you that when you stopped going to services with me - it hurt so much, but we just downward spiral from there. I wish you'd stop being so stubborn and start cooking again. You're better at it than I am (damnit) and frankly I've no interest in doing it. I wish I knew how to tell dad that I don't want to do any cooking that I'm turning it back over to you - but I haven't figured that out yet. But it will probably be this evening, so guess what - you're up on Monday. Thank goodness that I can vent here where it's very unlikely that anyone will see it, because if I don't vent some of this off, I'm likely to explode. I don't want to do that, the youngin doesn't deserve it. And speaking of the little urchin - it doesn't help that your "solution" for his aggressive behavior is to become aggressive right back at him - dumb ass. You can't tell him it's not good to hit and kick others and turn around and hit him for doing it. It ought to sound stupid now that it's been put out there don't ya think? I don't know why I bother anymore - you don't give a damn and now I feel like I'm stuck with you. I feel so incredibly dumb.

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