Saturday, December 1, 2012

Been a while!

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted anything! I'm not totally convinced that anyone reads this anyway. I basically created this page as a free form vent/diary. So vent time I hate it when I feel like I've been duped. There's a person in my life who basically isn't living up to what they said they were. I'm okay with folks having their ups and downs, after all everyone goes through that. It's just aggravating to think that maybe I've been lied to. It's almost Christmas time and it get's harder each year to get into the spirit of things. I miss my mom the most at this time of year. She LOVED Christmas even if she didn't love all the mess that comes with it. Trying to find the "right" gift - all the cooking involved and short tempers of all around. Did you ever notice that the one season of the year that is supposed to foster good-will and peace rarely does? Why is everyone so blasted mean to the people around them? I'm baffled by these questions. Our current series at church is simply Christmas. If it get's any more "simplified" around here - it won't be worth celebrating. (If you haven't guessed yet - I'm broke that's enough to put anyone into a blue mood). This keyboard is driving me nuts - I keep hitting a key (not sure which one) that jumps my cursor all over the place. I wish I knew which one I was hitting so I could stop doing it. I know this is all over the place rant-wise. Tis the nature (blast it - it did it again!) of my scattered thoughts this first day of December 2012. Bah Hum Bug