Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long time no post

Wow! It's been exactly one month since I have bothered to post anything. Well, what can I say, I've been busy. Some things that have kept me away has just been life in general and taking part of some amazing activies at church (Alpha - I highly recommend it).

I wish I could report wonderful things, but sadly that is not the case. Within the last week, my brother-in-law had to go back in the hospital. He has lung cancer and things are not going very well for him. The news we have received this week hasn’t been good. What we thought was pneumonia has turned out to be, at least what I know right now, the cancer spreading.

I have been trying to step into my sister’s shoes this past week and help care for our father and keep up with a very active four year old. Actually, watching Ian and his grandpa together has brought a lot of joy. I worry for my sister, her husband and children. Then I have to remind myself of the advice I gave Ron before leaving for the hospital, ‘let go, and let God’. Sometimes that easier said than done.

When it feels as if the weight of the world is pressing down on not just you, but your entire family as well it’s easy to wonder if the bad will ever end. It’s hard to remind yourself that life is a series of peaks and valleys. We may be in the valley at the moment, heck it feels more like a dungeon, but this won’t last forever. We will push through and up and we won’t do it alone. God is right here seeing to us all and giving us strength.